Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM)

DBL Wardha Butibori Highways Private Limited (DWBHPL), Maharashtra

Commercial Operations Date - 20th November 2019

59.37 Km

Approx. Route length

Wardha - Butibori


20th Nov 2019

Commercial Operations Date


Highway Corrider


DBL Wardha Butibori Highways Limited (DWBHL) was incorporated on April 24, 2017. DWBHL entered into a Concession Agreement dated June 09, 2017 with National Highway Authority of India (the “Authority”). The DWBHL project was awarded to Dilip Buildcon Limited (DBL) by National Highway Authority of India on March 28, 2017 for 15 years of Operation & Maintenance period along with Construction period of 2.5 Years from the Appointed Date i.e. 30th November 2017 of the DWBHL Project, on a Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM). The Project have successfully achieved its PCOD on 20th Nov 2019.

The Government of India had entrusted to the Authority the development, maintenance and management of National Highway No. 361 including the section from KM 465.500 to KM 524.690 (approx. 59.190 Km). The Authority had resolved to augment the existing road from KM 28.800 to KM 85.374 (approximately 59.374 Km) on the Wardha-Butibori section of National Highway No. 361 in the state of Maharashtra by Four laning thereof on design, build, operate and transfer (the ‘DBOT Annuity or Hybrid Annuity) basis.

Complete Technical Report