Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM)

Freedompoint Expressway Private
Limited (FEPL), Uttar Pradesh

Commercial Operations Date - 14th August 2020

61.19 km

Approx. Route length

Meerut Bulandshahar


14th August 2020

Commercial Operations Date

NH-334 (Old NH - 235)

Highway Corrider


Freedompoint Expressway Private Limited (FEPL) was incorporated on 09.02.2016. FEPL entered into Concession Agreement dated 04.03.2016 with National Highway Authority of India (the “Authority”). The FEPL project was awarded to Apco Infratech by National Highway Authority of India on Jan 11th, 2016, for 15 years of Operation & Maintenance period along with Construction period of 910 days from the Appointed Date i.e., April 28th, 2017, of the FEPL Project, on a Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM). The Project have successfully achieved its COD on Aug 14, 2020.

The Government of India had entrusted to the Authority the development, Maintenance, and management of National Highway No.334 (Old NH 235) including the section from KM 8.800 to KM 73.512 (approx. 61.19 KM). The Authority had resolved to augment the existing road from KM 8.800 to KM 73.512 (approx. 61.19 KM) on the Meerut Bulandshahar section of National Highway No. 334 in the state of Uttar Pradesh by Four laning thereof under NHDP Phase-IV on HAM